Speak Truth to Power: Join the Social Media Revolution
“For the last shall be first and the first shall be last”
Bob Dylan and Jesus could hardly have forseen the truth of these words. Social media is now the Gutenberg press of early 21st-century brand management. From the twitter revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt to my own efforts to bring down lying cheapskate plagiarists, social media has become the great, revolutionary, rectifying force for humanity.
That is why you need to “like” my facebook page, and start following me on twitter (@whitecoatblackh), right away. If you are only checking my blog 4-5 times a day, you are missing out, big time. Worse, if you are not following social media, it’s highly likely that your friends and colleagues are already starting to think of you as old and out of touch. Pretty soon, they will stop taking you seriously at all.
Don’t let this happen. Be a part of the revolution.
Be the change you want to see in the world.
Be One of Us.
My twitter feed is @whitecoatblackh. The Facebook page is here.