Home > Canada, Interviews > Don’t mess with Canada

Don’t mess with Canada

November 9th, 2010

Sorry for our brief shutdown last night. Our server crashed under the weight of all the traffic from angry Canadians, furious over rumours of Carl Elliott’s disrespecting Canada. Carl has cancelled his remaining Canadian dates, claiming he has the “flu” (Walk it off, crybaby!).

Meanwhile, a movement is afoot to have a public burning of White Coat, Black Hat in front of the parliament buildings in Ottawa.  Except for one problem: YOU CAN’T GET IT IN THE BOOKSTORES THERE.  Seriously, check the Chapters website and see how many copies are in the stores.

So instead, Canadians will have to vent their anger by checking out copies from their local public library, burning them and reporting them lost.

Canada, Interviews

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